Meeting: Mar 30, 2016

$9,500 was collected at the event for the Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation! See below for more details.DATE: Wednesday, Mar 30, 2016TIME: Meeting 5-6pm. Optional dinner & social 6-8pmLOCATION: Hui No‘eau, 2841 Baldwin Avenue, Makawao, HI 96768GOOGLE MAP LINK

Want to stay for dinner?

It's optional, however, pre-registration is required. Please call the Hui No‘eau directly by Monday so they can be sure to have a meal for you. Dinner is being prepared by Maui artist and gourmet chef, Tim Garcia.Cost: $25Call to RSVP: 808-572-6560If you use social media, please share our hashtag, #100WhoCareMAUI. Mahalo!Download the Nomination Form (PDF) and bring it to the next meeting if you have a cause or charity you want us to support.

Meeting Wrapup

Our members nominated three outstanding causes:Ian Walsh's Menehune Mayhem The Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation (HARF)Maui Pasta Companyphoto of Kimmy Seguin receiving $9,500 from Amanda Prouty for the Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation The members chose HARF - the Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation. $9,500 was collected at the event and a few more checks are still arriving from members who were absent. A special thank you to member Kimmy Seguin who nominated HARF and spoke so eloquently on their behalf.Please visit our Facebook to see photos from the event and be sure to tag yourself!Photo: Kimmy Seguin receiving $9,500 for the Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation, from the members of 100 Women Who Care Maui. Presented by Amanda Prouty.


Meeting: Jun 29, 2016


Meeting: Dec 9, 2015