We distribute the $20,000+ collected in 1 hour.
At our Community Giving Events we gather for one hour, four times a year, and each member (and guest) brings a check, cash, or subscribes on Grapevine for $100 (or more…).
Any current member can nominate local Maui County nonprofit organizations whose names are put into a bowl. We expect our members to have an understanding and awareness of the nonprofit in which they are nominating and their FEIN number. We then vet all organizations by verifying tax ID numbers and that the organization is in good standing.
Three names of nonprofits are drawn at random during each quarterly event.
The 100 Women Who Care Maui member, or a representative of the charity, makes a 5-minute presentation about her nominated cause and has 5 minutes for Q&A.
All members who are present and current for the past 4 quarters, vote with a secret ballot, for one of the three organizations.
Whichever organization receives the most votes earns the money. In the case of a tie for highest number of votes, the organizations split the monies. We expect all organizations who are selected each quarter, to use the allocated funds appropriately and responsibly.
All members, supporters, and guests who are NOT donating already via Grapevine write out their checks directly to the nonprofit organization that receives the most votes.
It’s fast, simple, and amazingly effective. Plus, all the money stays right here in Maui County.
Download the Nomination Form (PDF) and email a fully completed form to: lindar.100women@gmail.com